
Event discusses human rights due diligence

Organized by the Center for Human Rights and Business at FGV, the event reflects on challenges encountered in promoting best business practices

Foto: Maria Anffe / GcomMT Foto: Maria Anffe / GcomMT

This Wednesday (15th of June), CeDHE (Center for Human Rights and Companies of FGV Rights in SP) holds an event on the current challenges and opportunities in promoting best business practices, based on the prevention, mitigation and repair of adverse impacts on humans, their rights and the environment. You can register for the event here.

The debates will be based on the results of two studies recently completed by FGV CeDHE on the promotion of transparency and decent work in value chains and on the application of a monitoring solution for the quality of life of riverside communities forcibly displaced from their territory due to the installation of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Read more:

  • Understand what human rights due diligence is

The event has 3 debates planned. Julia Mello Neiva; coordinator of Conectas’ Social and Environmental Development and Rights Program will participate in the third round, scheduled to start at 12:00 and with the theme: “What are the obligations of companies in relation to the territory and populations impacted by their operations?”.

The event will be held in a hybrid way, with the possibility of attending in person or online. It is scheduled to start at 8:30 am, with the welcome coffee for those who want to attend in person and opening at 9 am, on Zoom for online attendees.

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