
Elections: 5 initiatives in favour of human rights

Initiatives supported by Conectas aimed at strengthening democracy and human rights together with candidates.

Brasília – At a station where people inform that they will not be voting, on the Interstate Highway. Voters who are registered to vote elsewhere inform they will not be voting (Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil) Brasília – At a station where people inform that they will not be voting, on the Interstate Highway. Voters who are registered to vote elsewhere inform they will not be voting (Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil)

Civil society organisations and collectives from around the country are focused on building initiatives aimed at democratising the political debate for the national elections this year. With varying agendas, these initiatives are aimed at discussions on themes like democracy, public security, drugs policy, social equality, migration and slave labour.

Conectas is endorsing and participating in some of these initiatives.

  • Find out more about the proposals and how you can take part:


  • Rights are worth more, no to social cuts
    The Anti-Austerity and Repeal of Constitutional Amendment 95 Coalition has been organising discussion groups around the country and is encouraging public debate to bring about the repeal of EC95 (Constitutional Amendment 95) that has put a ceiling on spending – including investment in social activities – for the next 20 years, profoundly affecting the most socially vulnerable sectors of the population. The outcome of these groups has led to the start of the campaign Rights are worth more, no to social cuts, bringing together more than 60 civil society institutions, among them Conectas, against the Spending Ceiling. On 5 September, the Anti-Austerity Coalition published a political document and a letter of commitment for candidates in the Legislative and Executive elections, for the repeal of EC95, presenting economic alternatives aligned with human rights protection (further information here).
  • Find out more about the campaign


  • Drugs are a political issue
    The Coalition of Candidates for the Reform of Drugs Policy is mapping and providing information on candidates and is seeking public commitment from election candidates who defend the reform of drugs policy. This initiative was launched under the slogan Drugs are a political issue.


  •  #ElectionswithoutTrickery
    This campaign launched by the Rede Justiça Criminal, encourages voters to question candidates’ proposals when these present easy solutions for complex issues such as public security. The site provides pertinent questions for voters which can then be sent to presidential and state government candidates.
  • Find out more about the campaign


  • Pact for Democracy
    This is a collective made up of participants in civil society aimed at reinforcing dialogue and tolerance in the political debate. It defends democratic institutions and practices with a view to orderly elections and to reinstating trust and legitimacy in politics. It seeks to encourage commitment to carry out a far-reaching political reform after the elections to strengthen democracy. It is aimed at reinforcing dialogue, tolerance and wholly rejects discrimination and violence in public actions.
  • Find out more about the Pact for Democracy


  • #MeRepresenta
    This online platform seeks out electoral candidates who are committed to issues of race and gender, the defence of LGBT groups, strengthening transparent, participative democracy, among other topics of interest to the people.
  • Access to platform #MeRepresenta  

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