
Debate for action

Leaders of the LGBTTT movement discuss strategies in the Judiciary Leaders of the LGBTTT movement discuss strategies in the Judiciary

The exclusion of the debate on the human rights of the LGBTTT population (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgendered people) in the Legislative Branch has compelled activists and organizations to look for opportunities in other spheres. In recent years, following a sequence of progressive decisions on the topic, the Judiciary has become the chosen field for this type of advocacy. But how should this strategy be reconciled with the new configuration of the movement? What should the priority agendas and tools be? And what type of knowledge is needed for this type of action to be effective?

These questions were the subject of debate between four leaders of the movement on August 28. The event was part of the amicus curiae workshop, organized by Conectas and SBDP (Brazilian Public Law Association). The final task of the workshop was to prepare an amicus curiae brief on the constitutionality of Resolution 175 (2013), issued by the CNJ (National Justice Council), that requires all notary offices in Brazil to convert same-sex civil unions into civil marriages (ADI 4966).

Paulo Iotti, president of GADvS (Group of Lawyers for Sexual Diversity); Luís Arruda, an activist and contributor to the Mothers for Equality Movement; Daniela Andrade, director of São Paulo LGBT Youth and member of the Sexual Diversity Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association in Osasco; and the activist Josefina Cicconetti spoke about the changes in the structure of the organizations in Brazil, about the importance of specific causes, such as the recognition of the identity of transsexuals and lesbian visibility, and about the challenges of influencing the Judiciary.

Watch a summary of the points they made:

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