
Conectas launches Climate Litigation Guide during COP25

UN Climate Conference gathers government representatives, activists and scholars in Madrid to discuss how to combat climate change

United Nations Conference on Climate Change is held from December 2-13 in Madrid (Press Photo)
United Nations Conference on Climate Change is held from December 2-13 in Madrid (Press Photo)

To debate climate litigation strategies and discuss the possibilities of using them in the
Brazilian context, Conectas has launched the Climate Litigation Guide during the
COP25 (United Nations Conference on Climate Change), one of the largest climate
events in the world.

The COP25 is taking place from December 2-13 in Madrid and is being attended by
government representatives, activists and scholars with the goal of achieving the
targets established in the Paris Agreement and strengthening policies to combat
climate change.

“Litigation has proven to be an important tool when addressing the causes of climate
change around the world. The guide is intended to provide tools and guidance for
professionals who work in the field and who want to act more decisively to combat
climate change in Brazil,” said Jefferson Nascimento, an advisor to the Development
and Socioenvironmental Rights program at Conectas.

The document was produced in partnership with iCS (Institute for Climate and Society)
and was launched on Friday, December 6, during the panel “Prospects for Stronger
Climate Litigation in Latin America: cases, approaches and opportunities”, organized by
iCS in partnership with Conectas Human Rights and AIDA (Interamerican Association
for Environmental Defense).

Participating on the panel were the consultant for Conectas, Gabriel Mantelli; the
prosecutor Alexandre Gaio; Caroline Dihl Prolo, of the Latin America Climate Lawyers
Initiative; Astrid Puentes, of AIDA; Jesus Medina, of the Colombian organization
Dejusticia; and Roxana Baldrich, of the German organization Germanwatch. The panel
was moderated by Caio Borges, the coordinator of the Law and Climate Program at iCS.

  • Download the Climate Litigation Guide here

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