
Conectas launches an e-book on climate and human rights

The online launch event will be on Tuesday 21st on the Zoom platform

On Tuesday (21) at 11am, Conectas is hosting the launch of the e-book “Clima e Direitos Humanos – Vozes e ações” (Climate and Human Rights – Voices and Actions) put together by the organisation. Click on this Zoom link to watch the event which is taking place during Worldwide Climate Week. 

Those participating in the launch include, Júlia Mello Neiva, coordinator of the Conectas Defence of Socio-Environmental Rights programme; Gabriel Mantelli, an adviser on the same programme;  Conrado Hubner Mendes, a professor at the University of São Paulo and a researcher at the Centre for the Analysis of Freedom and Authoritarianism and Rafaela Rosa, a Federal Justice judge in region 4. Thaynah Gutierrez, also an adviser on the Conectas Defence of Socio-Environmental Rights programme, will be the mediator. 

The publication consists of a collection of articles and arose out of a partnership between Conectas, iCS and JOTA. The importance of discussions on human rights and related themes, such as sustainable financing, strategic litigation, social mobilisation, tackling socio-environmental racism and the regulation of the trade in greenhouse gas emissions are placed at the centre of the debate concerning climate issues. 

The e-book, with the support of the iCS (Institute for Climate and Society), contains interviews and essays written by Sônia Guajajara, Ailton Krenak, Nego Bispo and other socio-environmental and human rights activists and researchers. 

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