
Combating slave labor is the subject of a hearing in the Chamber of Deputies

An event this Thursday (14th July) brings together specialists and parliamentarians to discuss on the above topic; see how to follow

Evento reúne diferentes atores para discutir direitos humanos e responsabilidade das empresas. Foto: Ministério Público do Trabalho Evento reúne diferentes atores para discutir direitos humanos e responsabilidade das empresas. Foto: Ministério Público do Trabalho

The Labor, Administration and Public Service Commission of the Chamber of Deputies held a public hearing this Thursday (14th of July) to discuss the fight against slave labor in Brazil. The event can be followed live from 9 am, through this link.

Among the participants in the audience are the coordinator of the Articulation of Rural Employees in the State of Minas Gerais, (Adere/MG), Jorge Ferreira dos Santos Filho, the director of the National Association of Labor Prosecutors (ANPT), Paulo Veloso, the CEO of Repórter Brasil, Leonardo Sakamoto, and the project advisor for Conectas’s Socio-environmental Rights Defense Program, Fernanda Drummond.

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