
Choose for the Defense of the Rule of Law

We call on the population to choose candidates who are committed to the values of democracy, justice, human rights and combating structural racism

TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) lacra sistemas eleitorais (Foto: José Cruz / Agência Brasil) TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) lacra sistemas eleitorais (Foto: José Cruz / Agência Brasil)

We are an organization that is committed to democracy. As such, at a time of growing authoritarianism in the world, we call on the population to exercise their right to vote and choose candidates who are committed to the values of democracy, justice, human rights and combating structural racism.

We join the voices calling for a peaceful political climate for holding the elections and for the transition of government.

In recent years, we have experienced frequent attacks by the President against the other branches of the Republic, in particular the Judiciary. Oversight, investigation and research bodies, such as INPE (National Space Research Institute), the environmental watchdog IBAMA and even the Federal Police itself, have suffered intervention in a non-republican manner.

The structure of the State has been used as a machine for disinformation, whether in promoting ineffective drugs against covid-19 or in raising suspicions about initiatives that have always been a source of pride for the Brazilian population, such as the electronic voting system.

Not one centimeter of indigenous land has been demarcated by the State. Violence against traditional populations has increased with the encouragement of illegal activities and the absence of any oversight or control. Violations of the rights of black people from the urban outskirts have intensified, either by encouraging institutional violence or by capturing key institutions that work in their defense, such as the Palmares Foundation, which is responsible for disseminating and preserving Afro-Brazilian culture.

The dismantling of environmental policy has resulted in record deforestation in the Amazon and has prompted disgust from the international community. While Brazil loses investments, the country’s image has been severely damaged by a regressive foreign policy that is allied with the most conservative countries in the world when it comes to women’s rights and the LGBTI population.

Given the absence of official and reliable information, journalism has taken on an essential role and has been harshly attacked. There have been numerous cases of journalists – women in particular – who faced persecution from the authorities. People who voiced dissent, in academia and in the defense of environmental and human rights, also suffered harassment and had their work suppressed.

Against this backdrop, on Sunday, October 2, the population has the power to make its choice in defense of democracy.

Irrespective of the outcome of the election, Conectas will continue to work to enforce and promote human rights and to combat inequalities to build a fair, free and democratic society.

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