
Cara Pessoa addresses cycle of violence caused by and against the police

In partnership with the Folha newspaper, Conectas releases a podcast on human rights issues with a new episode every Friday

Released this Friday, November 27, the seventh episode of the Cara Pessoa podcast, produced by the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo in partnership with Conectas, addresses the vicious cycle of human rights violations caused by military police on the streets and against the officers themselves in the barracks.

To give one side of the story, the podcast gives the Military Police Sargent Elisando Lotin and Lieutenant Colonel Adilson de Paes Souza the opportunity to talk about the abuses committed against public security officers inside their own hierarchical system. To give the other, the lawyer Thayná Yared, vice president of the Racial Equality Commission of the São Paulo State Bar Association (OAB-SP), and Fernanda Garcia, the sister of a teenager killed in December 2019 during a police operation at a funk dance party in the favela of Paraisópolis, discuss the victims of police violence, especially black youth from poor neighborhoods.

The Cara Pessoa podcast is available every Friday, at 9 am, on all the main audio streaming platforms.

The narrative of the episodes adopts a format of reading letters that are addressed to the listeners. In this manner, various stories of human rights thinkers are told in a light-hearted and creative way.

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