
Bolsonaro attacks press again by threatening journalist with physical aggression

Civil society organizations release a statement condemning the demeanor of the president

President Bolsonaro gives a press conference in January, before his trip to India
President Bolsonaro gives a press conference in January, before his trip to India

In a new attack against press professionals, President Jair Bolsonaro threatened a reporter from the newspaper O Globo on Sunday, August 23, when asked about amounts deposited into the bank account of the first lady Michelle Bolsonaro. 

In a statement of condemnation, civil society organizations pointed out that, since the start of his administration, the president has demonstrated contempt for the role of accountability played by the press, especially when questioned about matters involving his family. 

The organizations stated that Bolsonaro’s rhetoric against the press and encouragement to harass journalists on social media is incompatible with the decorum of the office of the Presidency of the Republic. 

They also called on the legislative and judicial branches to condemn the president’s violent attitude against media outlets and journalists.

Read the statement in full here

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