
Bachelet must reinforce commitment to human rights say organisations

According to civil society, the High Commissioner must take action to denounce violations, discourage abuse and fight impunity

Organisations outline the challenges and commitments that the newly appointed High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, will encounter in fulfilling her role. In a letter sent to Bachelet, organisations call for strong commitment in defending human rights, particularly of activists, with the public condemnation of aggressors and investigations into attacks and reprisals. The Commissioner’s work should be developed in collaboration with civil society at national, regional and international levels.

The organisations defend the view that strengthening human rights norms and mechanisms must be the pivotal responsibility of the High Commissioner. During her mandate she should adopt a solid position within the UN to engender respect towards human rights in all its bodies and agencies. According to the organisations, Bachelet has the opportunity to rigorously expose violations, fight impunity, ensure freedom of press, discourage major abuses and demand states’ accountability.

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