
Applications now being received for the 6th information course on journalism and human rights

Students on any undergraduate course can apply for the course before 31/08. The course will take place between September and October

What is Structural Racism. How do the international systems for the protection of human rights work? What are slave labour and torture? What is the difference between a migrant and a refugee?

University students of Journalism and other areas interested in understanding and covering these assignments can apply before 31 August. There are 20 places on the 6th Information Course on Journalism and Human Rights.

The course is part of the project, Reporter of the Future and is hosted by Conectas and OBORÉ and supported by ABRAJI (Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism) and the IPFD (Institute for Research, Training and Dissemination in Public and Social Policy). The course will take place from 14 September to 26 October, from 9am to 1.30pm.


  • Access the Application Form here 

The selected students will participate, in person, in talks and press conferences with specialists. These will all be held on Saturdays at the Conectas headquarters in São Paulo. The course combines coverage and production in journalism with theoretical knowledge on human rights. The teacher and journalist Marcelo Soares and Sérgio Gomes will be in charge of coordinating classes.


At each meeting, selected students will watch a talk of about 40 minutes with a Conectas specialists and will participate in a press conference. The students will then have to produce journalistic material on the subject of the talk.

One to one sessions with journalists and teachers will be available with the aim of providing personalised guidance to each student.

Reimbursement Agreement

The selected students will provide a cheque for the sum of R$ 998 (current minimum salary) as a registration fee for the course as a deposit and will sign a Reimbursement Agreement, in which they will consent to comply with the following: 

  1. to participate in all the meetings and be punctual; 
  2. to type up a journalism text at the end of each meeting; 
  3. to schedule and attend at least one individual meeting with the course coordinators; 
  4. publish a journalism text on this subject in an outlet with a responsible editor.

If these requirements are fully complied with, the student will be reimbursed for the sum of the deposit. They will have to pay the full cost of the course if they fail to comply with any one of the clauses of the Agreement. 


1 to 31 August | Applications

06/09 | Announcement of selected candidates

14/09 | Historical perspective and international systems for the protection of human rights 

Speaker: Jefferson Nascimento

The origin of the concept of human rights and its historical development. The birth of the UN and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Introduction to international human rights systems (UN and OAS). The incorporation of human rights into the Brazilian legal framework, the work of foreign policy and its role in international systems.

21/09 | Migration and refuge

Speaker: Camila Asano

Local and international norms for the protection of migration and refuge. The new migration law. A panorama of migration in Brazil and the world, the principal questions people have regarding this topic and the mistakes made by journalists.

28/09 | Slave labour

Speaker: Julia Cortez da Cunha Cruz

Challenges for eradicating slave labour in Brazil. How to encourage defence of the current protection system and propose advances through the approval of laws, like, for example the law on transparency in the supply chain. 

05/10 | Torture

Speaker: Henrique Apolinário

What torture is and how it is seen in the institutional structures of power. Local and international norms to regulate torture, mechanisms for the prevention and combat of torture in institutions for the deprivation of liberty and conditions in the Brazilian prison system.

19/10 | Structural Racism

Speaker: Silvia Souza

How race emerges as an indicator of social differences in the whole structure of Brazilian society and leads to inequality, selective sentencing and rights violations.

26/10 | Social get-together and Closing Moment

Evaluation of students and coordinators. Presentation of certificates.

For more information:

OBORÉ Special Projects 


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