
Absent State

Social inequality and rights violations are parts of the everyday living in the Brazilian favelas

XV Coloquio DH. Conectas. Contexto global e seus impactos nos direitos humanos. Sonia Correia. Raull Santiago. César Rodriguez-Garivato. Juana Kweitel. XV Coloquio DH. Conectas. Contexto global e seus impactos nos direitos humanos. Sonia Correia. Raull Santiago. César Rodriguez-Garivato. Juana Kweitel.

by Pâmela Ellen*

Raull Santiago, an activist of Coletivo Papo Reto, says that the only time residents of Complexo do Alemão feel being part of any public policy is when the police visit their areas. “Rulers communicate with us with police and rifles” he mentioned.

In a lecture on global context and its impacts on human rights, held on Monday, October 2, 2017 during the 15th International Human Rights Colloquium, Santiago explains how interested parties participate in dialogues, what the government lacks as incentives for marginal communities, and why social networks are indispensable for exposing violence and atrocity suffered by the denizens of the Complex.

Papo Reto is an independent media group that monitors policing practices in the Complexo do Alemão, a group of 13 favelas in the North Zone of Rio, courageously denouncing institutional abuses through social networks perpetrated by both law enforcement agency and public policies that are not in place.


As per Santiago, Complexo do Alemão is looked upon as a failure. “The police simply enters our territory at will. Whether our youths truly have access to guns and drugs or not, the validity of the claim – that they do – is rarely disputed. At the end of the day, the favelas earn a negative image in the public sphere as a place where there are only weapons and narcotics. Even the weapons that are allegedly said to be used do not exist in Brazil.”

Comparing with various narratives and global contexts, Santiago believes the war on drugs is a borrowed idea from the United States, being unreasonably used as weapons for racial and social domination. “The term ‘war’ itself is divisive – further alienating the blacks and the poor. It is a form of exploitation, so called ‘security measures’.” he says.

The social networks have become integral to the success of Coletivo. Apart from showing day-to-day reality of Complexo do Alemão, some of the online footage released by Papo Reto may be used a legal evidence in cases of violation of rights by police.

About the Colloquium

Between October 2 and 6, 80 human rights activists from 31 countries are gathering in São Paulo for the 15th International Human Rights Colloquium. The objective of the event is to discuss the theme “Human rights: crisis or transition?”, share experiences and propose solutions to face setbacks at local, regional and global levels.

This year, Conectas organises the meeting with Forum Asia (Thailand), the Human Rights Centre of the University of Pretoria (South Africa) and Dejusticia (Colombia).

*Pamela Ellen is a volunteer journalists from the coverage group of the 15th International Human Rights Colloquium.

English translation by Partha Sarker, a refugee from Bangladesh.

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