
Abraji and Conectas ask Fiesp to discuss press freedom with Bolsonaro

Organizations send official letter requesting businesspeople to include press freedom in discussions with members of the Executive at an event this Thursday

President Jair Bolsonaro will be at Fiesp on Thursday, March 5, for a meeting with businesspeople (Photo: Carolina Antunes/PR)
President Jair Bolsonaro will be at Fiesp on Thursday, March 5, for a meeting with businesspeople (Photo: Carolina Antunes/PR)

In the run-up to the event that will gather businesspeople and members of the Executive in São Paulo, the organizations Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism) and Conectas Human Rights have sent an official letter to Fiesp (São Paulo State Federation of Industries) requesting that the business community include the defense of press freedom on the agenda for the meeting, given the escalating attacks and threats on media outlets and journalists in the country.

This Thursday, March 5, Fiesp will receive President Jair Bolsonaro and Economy Minister Paulo Guedes at the event “Dialogues for Brazil”, to be attended by businesspeople from the country to discuss, among other things, the reforms pending in the National Congress.

“The free press plays a fundamental role in the disclosure of information of public interest, which is why it should be defended by the main actors in Brazilian society, including the national business community,” said the organizations in the document.

According to Camila Asano, program coordinator at Conectas, this is a great opportunity for the business sector to make a commitment to defending one of the main pillars of the Democratic State. “We have witnessed constant attacks on media outlets and press professionals, some supported or even promoted by President Bolsonaro. It is essential for representatives of large companies to call for a commitment from the public authorities with respect to democratic institutions,” she explained.   

In a statement, Abraji said that in recent months the Bolsonaro government has adopted a hostile rhetoric against the press and journalists. “For Abraji, an independent press is essential for democracy. The President of the Republic should respect the Constitution, which in article 5, item IX, guarantees free expression for communication activity. And he should not use his office to incite businesspeople against the press.”

>>> Read the official letter sent to Fiesp here

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