
39th Vladimir Herzog Award

Registration open for journalists, artists and press photographers across Brazil until July 31

Starting on July 1, journalists, artists and press photographers from across Brazil can register their work for the 39th Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award for Amnesty and Human Rights.

Considered one of Brazil’s leading journalistic distinctions, the Vladimir Herzog Award has recognized reporting work that addresses democracy, citizenship and human rights every year since 1979.

This year, journalistic work will be accepted in six categories:

  1. Art – Illustrations, caricatures and cartoons published in printed or electronic media
  2. Photography – Photograph or photographic series published in printed or electronic media
  3. Written journalism – Articles published in printed or electronic media
  4. Audio journalism – Audio reports or documentaries
  5. Video journalism – Video reports or documentaries
  6. Multimedia journalism – Multimedia reports published on the internet

To enter, candidates must register on the website www.premiovladimirherzog.org.br by filling in the registration form and attaching their work published between August 1, 2016 and July 31, 2017.


Just like in the past five years, the choice of the winners will occur in two stages, and the final stage will be a public session broadcast live on the internet, on October 9, in the Oscar Pedroso Horta Room of the São Paulo Municipal Legislature. The award ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, October 31, at 8 pm in the Tucarena theater in São Paulo, and it will be preceded by a Round Table Conversation with this year’s winners.

The 39th Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award for Amnesty and Human Rights is staged and organized by a commission formed by the following institutions: Conectas Human Rights, Fenaj (National Federation of Journalists); Union of Professional Journalists of the State of São Paulo; Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of São Paulo; Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism); UNIC Rio (United Nations Information Center in Brazil); Periferia em Movimento communication group; ECA/USP (School of Communication and Art of the University of São Paulo); Vladimir Herzog Institute; Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association; São Paulo Chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association; São Paulo State Police Ombudsman’s Office; and Intercom (Brazilian Association of Interdisciplinary Studies on Communication).


  • 39th Vladimir Herzog Journalism Award for Amnesty and Human Rights
    Rules and registration: www.premiovladimirherzog.org.br
    Registration period: July 1 to 31, 2017
  • Announcement of the results: Monday, October 9, from 10 am to 2 pm, at a public session in the São Paulo Municipal Legislature (Oscar Pedroso Horta room), which will be broadcast live on the internet (here).
  • Round Table Conversation with the winners: Tuesday, October 31, from 2 pm to 6 pm
  • Award ceremony: Tuesday, October 31, at 8 pm
  • Venue: Tucarena theater – Rua Monte Alegre, 1024 – Perdizes, São Paulo

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