
15th Colloquium | Check out the list of participants

The meeting will be held in São Paulo from October 1st to 6th

This Friday (30), Conectas published the list of activists selected to participate in the 15th International Human Rights Colloquium, organized by Conectas in partnership with Forum Asia (Thailand), Centre for Human Rights – University of Pretoria (South Africa), and DeJusticia (Colombia).

The activists and social transformation agents represent human rights organizations and social movements from 22 countries. They will receive an e-mail in the next few days from the Colloquium team, and must confirm their attendance by July 7th.

In this edition, the Colloquium, considering a global conservative wave, will debate the role, the alternatives and the opportunities for organizations and social movements based on the question: “Human rights today: crisis or transition?”

If you have any questions, please reach us via e-mail at coloquio@conectas.org.

Check out the list of selected candidates:

Nome Sobrenome País Organização
Ashwanee Budoo Maurício – África do Sul  Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria
Betiana Caceres Argentina Centro para uma Justicia Igualitaria y Popular – CEJIP
Camila Barretto Maia Brasil-Argentina Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales – CELS
Camila  Soto Colômbia Dejusticia
Carlos  Baquero Colômbia Dejusticia
Clara Alves Brasil Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS
Dilar  Dirk Reino Unido International Representation of the Kurdish Women’s Movement
Eric Carlos David Patiño Pereda Venezuela Programa de Educación-Acción en Derechos Humanos – PROVEA
Fatiah Maulidiyanti Mulyana Indonésia The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS)
Felipe Anjos Brasil Entre Nós
Fidelia Eghonghon Odia Nigéria Partnership for Justice
Flávia do Amaral Vieira Brasil Clinica de Direitos Humanos da Amazônia
 Fredy Alejandro   Malambo Ospina   Colômbia  Comisión Colombiana de Juristas 
Geoff Thale EUA Washington Office on Latin America
Glaucia Almeida Marinho Brasil Justiça Global
Jholer Timbo Namíbia Wings To Transcend Namibia
Juan Camilo  Lopez Colômbia Dejusticia
Kennedy Mwikya Quênia Kenya Human Rights Commission
Krizna Gomez Filipinas – Colômbia Dejusticia
Laurinda  Gouveia Angola Central Angola 7311
Leticia Carvalho Brasil Missão Paz
Lidiane Malanquini Brasil ONG Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré
Luaty Beirão Angola Central Angola 7311
Luísa Duque Brasil Fórum Suape
Marcelo De Azambuja Brasil Acesso – Cidadania e Direitos Humanos
Maria Camila  Bustos EUA – Colômbia Dejusticia
Maria Sylvia Aparecida de Oliveira Brasil Geledès-Instituto da Mulher Negra
Mathew Jacob Índia Human Rights Defenders Alert – India, People’s Watch
Matthew Clausen EUA Washington Office on Latin America
Olga Guzman Vergara México Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos
Patience Mpani Zimbábue – África do Sul Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria
Rafael Poço Brasil Update 
Raull Santiago Brasil Coletivo Papo Reto
Rogelio Lopez Aguilar Costa Rica Access Now
Ronelle King Barbados Life In Leggings: Caribbean Alliance Against Gender-based Violence
Rosalia Diogo Brasil Instituto Cultural Casarão das Artes
Ruth Buffalo EUA Honor the Earth
Sara Alsherif Egito No Military Trials For Civilians
Sarah Brooks Suiça International Service for Human Rights – ISHR
Sebastião Alves Rodrigues Manchinery Brasil Manxinerine Ywptowaka
Sithuthukile Pearl Mkhize África do Sul Legal Resources Centre
Tamila Silva dos Santos Brasil TODXS
Vinu Sampath Kumar Índia Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
Zoya Rehman Paquistão Digital Rights Foundation

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