07/10/2021 ADI 5901: the jurisdiction of Military Courts Armed Forces justice system should not be allowed to judge military personnel who threaten the life of civilians
07/10/2021 Climate Backpedal: maneuver to reduce emissions target Case calls on Brazilian government to stick to its commitment to reduce gas emissions assumed in the Paris Agreement
07/10/2021 Crimes of May: complaint of forced disappearance filed at IACHR Case calls for Brazil to be held accountable for concealing bodies to prevent investigations
21/07/2021 ADI-6544: withdrawal of Brazil from Unasur Presidential Decree ignores the role of the Legislative in denouncing international treaties
05/07/2021 ADPF-581 and ADI-6675: guns and ammunition under control Cases challenge presidential decrees that dismantle the Disarmament Act
05/07/2021 The National Security Law and the silencing of democracy Collective habeas corpus calls for protection for all people who may be intimidated for criticizing the government or the federal authorities
05/07/2021 ADPF-795: dismantling the National Human Rights Plan in the shadows Case demands social participation and transparency in the process to review the plan
05/07/2021 ADPF-742: Covid-19 in quilombola communities Supreme Court suspends land repossessions and orders development of contingency plan to protect these people during the pandemic