19/05/2022 ADI-3446: attack against the rights of children and adolescents Case filed by political party PSL attempted to dismantle key milestone in protection of childhood and young people
17/05/2022 ADI-3347: first attack on the Slave Labor Dirty List CNA case challenged the first ministerial order to set up a record of people and companies involved in the exploitation of workers
17/05/2022 ADI-3330: Constitutionality of Prouni Case filed by private teaching organizations challenges the scholarship program for students from public schools
17/05/2022 ADI-3268: confessional religious education in public schools in Rio de Janeiro Case attempts to overturn law that enables preaching and conversion in the classroom
17/05/2022 ADI-3239: Demarcation of quilombola territories Decree challenged in the Supreme Court regulates the land-title registration process for quilombola communities
17/05/2022 ADI-3714: Religious discrimination in public service recruitment and university entrance exams São Paulo law made exceptions for candidates who claimed religious observance on Saturdays
17/05/2022 ADI-3112: the constitutionality of the Disarmament Act Brazilian Labor Party challenges authority of the federal government to legislate on the regulation of guns and ammunition
17/05/2022 ADI-3082: Access for people with disabilities to public service recruitment exams Office of the Prosecutor-General challenges measure by Labor Courts against candidates with disabilities