Eighteen years after the Unaí Killings, Friar Xavier Plassat talks about the relationship between slave labor and environmental crimes, and the increase in the number of inspections and rescues in 2021
Read the opinion article on how Brazil still has an unsafe mining model for workers and its communities, despite the history of socio-environmental tragedies
Proposals to change environmental legislation and lack of accountability for the crime could make one of Brazil’s biggest environmental and social disasters just another incident
The Acts promoted by families, survivors, as well as, social and religious entities ask for justice and reparation for the lost and affected lives by the dam failure in 2019
Civil society and governments need to demand corporate governance that is committed to the promotion and protection of human rights across the production chain
The ruling prevents the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, responsible for the electronic auction, from entering into the contract with the company supplying the surveillance technology
Annual report of the Cross Fire Institute reveals that three out of every four massacres in Metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, such as the killings in Jacarezinho, were from police actions