Event08/09/2015 Assault on democracy Why could the anti-terrorism law criminalize social movements and violate the right to protest?
News04/09/2015 Voices of Angola :: Break the silence Organizations ask Brazil to condemn arbitrary detention of 15 activists
News03/09/2015 Not like Europe Organizations call for renewal of policy facilitating refugee status for Syrians in Brazil
Event01/09/2015 2nd Journalism and Human Rights Course Registration open, until September 30, for students across Brazil
News01/09/2015 Arms Treaty :: 3 reasons for Brazil to ratify Understand why the country should adhere to the agreement regulating the global arms market
News31/08/2015 War on Drugs :: Widening the debate With a new website and format, SUR 21 brings drug policy analysis to the Global South
News24/08/2015 Arms treaty Brazil will not have right to vote at international conference on Arms Trade Treaty