Public Statement14/12/2016 The lessons of the “people’s bishop” Public statement of grief at the death of Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns
Event14/12/2016 Juana Kweitel named executive director of Conectas On the staff of Conectas since 2003, Juana accepts the invitation from the Board of Trustees
Joint statement14/12/2016 No-action motion Organizations criticize use in UN of mechanism that prevents discussion
Joint statement13/12/2016 Congress against the environment Lower House could fast-track a bill to dismantle environmental licensing
News09/12/2016 Interview: Colombia without war Future of the peace deal with the FARC depends on Constitutional Court ruling
News09/12/2016 “No compassion” UN says Amendment 55 will place Brazil in a “socially retrogressive category all of its own”