According to the organisation, the decision of the Brazilian government affects international obligations signed by the country in the field of human rights
More than 200 organisations have signed a joint letter condemning the discharge of specialists working at the principal tool to monitor the combat of torture in Brazil
South American countries and the European Union have decided to turn to nations that are sympathetic to Maduro in order to seek a peaceful, democratic solution to the conflict
Who is the ‘typical criminal’? Moro’s concept is vague and studies show how gender, race and class influence the parameters of the police and justice systems
Quem seria o “criminoso habitual”? O conceito de Moro é vago e estudos mostram como gênero, raça e classe influenciam os parâmetros da polícia e da justiça
In a joint letter, organisations highlight the urgent need for judgment on possession of drugs for personal use, removed from the agenda by the president, minister Dias Toffoli.